Friday, 10 November 2017

MP for the Environment duties!!

After carving our class pumpkin for Halloween, we had noticed it had started to rot. We thought about throwing it into the bin, but we thought that would be a waste. So Evie, our class MP for the Environment took it to the compost heap, so it can then help make soil that will help other plants grow. Good job Evie!!


Giraffes table were the quickest at organising the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. Can you name the four countries?

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Post from Meadow class

Hi Sycamore class, we know that you have been learning about Bonfire Night, but how do you celebrate it?

Friday, 20 October 2017

Swimming super stars!

We have now finished our 7 weeks of swimming lessons and I am so proud of Sycamore class! Everyone has improved,gained confidence and shown Stickability!!

Spelling prize winner!

Well done to Drummond Nelms who has gone above and beyond to complete extra spelling activities at home.

Puncutation Posse Sheriff

Well done to Evie Dorricott who has impressed me with her use of the Punctuation Posse, especially Ace Apostrophe!!! Keep it up!!

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Our Naughty Knight Story endings

We have been busy planning, writing, editing and re-drafting this half term to ensure we have a really interesting story. Here our are endings that we we re-drafted.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Kings and Queens

Click on Queen Elizabeth II to take you to lots of information, videos and games to help you learn more about our Queen. 

Also click here to take you to our pupil zone page all about Kings and Queens. 

Punctuation Posse

We are focusing on Fearless Full Stop this term and Quickdraw Question Mark. Have you spotted them anywhere? Take a picture and email to our blog!


We are focusing on 10 year 2 words each half term. These are the first ten on the sheet which is in the spelling book. Click here to practise some of the common words for year 2.

Knights of the Times Tables!

Please share how you practise your times tables. Click here to take you to some times table games.

This half term Darwin Principle is: Changeability

How have you shown Changeability? Please comment!

Welcome back Sycamore class of 2017-2018!

We have settled in really well and have already done so lovely work!